A Collaborative Effort Between the Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition, New Community Project, Voluntary Gas Tax, City of Harrisonburg and Davis Bicycles. This trip is funded 100% by donations.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Pictures and a Quick Overview of Saturday

Here are pictures from Saturday's travels. And what follows is a very quick, and dirty overview of our day. Hopefully some of us can find time to blog more details about each thing later. :)

We spent some time that morning at the Davis Farmers Market, which makes me yearn for when Spring comes to Harrisonburg and our market is bustling with people once again (of course, the Downtown Harrisonburg Farmers Market is open on Saturdays throughout the winter so I encourage you to stop by!). It was National PIG Day, so the farmers market theme was pigs (check out the ballons, pink pig bandannas, etc. in the pictures).

Next, we took a 15 minute train with our bikes to Sacramento where Ed Cox, City Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinator, Walt Seifert of Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates (SABA), and Lorena Beightler a local fashion/bicycle blogger who "bicycles with style" and writes at Sac Cycle Chic (do check out the pictures of Lorena's high heeled bicycling!) took us on a morning tour of bicycle infrastructure in Sacramento. Sacramento experienced retrofitting bicycle infrastructure much more than what Davis had.

Some of us road our bicycles from Sacramento to Davis and I hope that they will blog about their experience, and some of us took the train back to Davis to meet with Grace Garden, where the community gardeners and Tom Benevento spent some good time sharing ideas. Later in the afternoon we all met up and met with Alex Rother owner of Pepper Peddler, a coffee roasting and delivery business run on bicycles! Check out the picture of his bicycle powered coffee roaster.

And lastly, we stopped by the Davis Food Co-Op where we grabbed some dinner and headed back to Steve Tracy's house and again reflected on our travels and how we can bring back our experiences to share with you all in Harrisonburg. More on that later...

Today we're off to San Francisco.


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