Returning with more than an Orange
The following is being posted on behalf of MuAwai.
After four packed days touring 3 cities in California and more importantly learning from a wide spectrum of folks out in the West Coast, I'm ready to get back to the 'Burg to share all the great information the delegation was exposed to. Coming out to California is not the comparison of Apples and Oranges I expected--besides I could only carry one Orange back in my luggage to share with everyone.
If we take Davis, Ca a Platinum City example with a comparable size city and a prominent University-- we can draw similarities to learn from. If we take a city like Sacramento, Ca who recently has made a comprehensive commitment to retro-fit their infrastructure-- we to can create a better community. If we take a look at San Francisco, Ca who's climate and topography are as, if not more challenging than Harrisonburg's-- the possibilities are endless....
After experiencing the advantages of bike/pedestrian friendly streets that made for a system of complete street options for its citizenry, I am convienced we have a huge opportunity to enhance the quality of life in Harrisonburg.
To do this we create connectivity between neighborhoods, we provide a sense of community utilizing our green space, we create a sense of meeting your neighbors with walkways, etc.... Thinking into the future, we reduce the sense of dependence and impact of relying on one mode of transportation. Advantage include developing a sense of safety and self reliance for our children.
This will only be made possible with community input to the City of Harrisonburg's Comprehensive Plan which will be taking place this Spring/Summer. This can be achieved by taking a close look at our city's draft of the Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan. This will only happen if we have a cultural, political and engaged community open to the possibilities. We plan to make presentations as forums present themselves; including a presentation to City Council, the Planning Commission, during Earth Week and again in May during nation bike month.
While I could only pack one orange to share I believe we learned about a great recipe for taking the "people" Friendly City and adding a "complete street" Friendly City as well.
'The Commish'
(MuAwai Da'Mes)
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